The Last Stand Full Movie In English
Best Deleted Scenes From X- Men Movies. The original X- Men is credited – alongside Wesley Snipe’s Blade and Tobey Maguire’s original superhero outing as Spider- Man – with kicking off the modern- day obsession with comic book movies. Fox considered X- Men to be something of a gamble back in the day, but it paid off in ways no one could have predicted. It’s hard to believe that the original is a few years shy of its twentieth anniversary, and while it looks relatively small- scale compared to later entries, it remains an important milestone for the genre. The series has veered off in wild, equally unpredictable ways since then; there’s a prequel trilogy, a Wolverine solo trilogy, a prequel/sequel in Days Of Future Past, and an R- rated spin- off with Deadpool that somehow managed to outgross all the other films that came before it. That’s not even mentioning the wealth of incoming franchise entries, such as Dark Phoenix and New Mutants, and at this stage, the messy X- Men timeline requires a degree in quantum mechanics to figure out.
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With the sheer number of storylines and characters, it’s hardly surprising that the ten movies (to date) have a generous supply of deleted/alternate scenes. These scenes reveal abandoned subplots, shocking opening scenes, and unused cliffhangers. There are even a few unused jokes to mix things up. Let’s take a look at 1. Deleted Scenes From The X- Men Movies That Should Never Have Been Cut, and explain why these moments would have benefitted the story if they had stayed.
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Magneto In A Dress – X- Men: First Class. Professor X is the compassionate mutant who seeks to bridge the divide between humanity and mutant kind, so he formed the X- Men as a way to uphold the peace.
In addition to being an all- around genius, his telepathic abilities include mind reading and astral projection, and for the most part, he uses these powers for good. However, he’s still a young man when viewers meet him in First Class, and he’s not afraid to have a little fun with his abilities too. When Charles and Magneto are recruiting mutants for their cause, they approach Zoe Kravitz’s Angel Salvadore in a club to convince her to come onboard.

In a deleted moment, Charles gives her a brief demonstration of his powers by making it appear that Erik is wearing an unflattering dress and wig. It’s a silly gag, but it was fun snippet that showed the lighter side of young Professor X. The Raid” Gunfight – Deadpool.
Deadpool became a surprise smash back in 2. X- Men movie to date. Deadpool’s modest budget meant it had to rely more on character than action, which is why it feels a little light on epic set pieces at times. The original script featured a couple more action scenes, including a motorcycle chase between Wade and Ajax, and a massive gun battle in the finale. Deadpool was supposed to put his bag of guns to good use, using them to blast his way floor by floor up a building to reach Ajax. The sequence was described as a homage to 2.
The Raid, but in the end, the production didn’t have the time or money to shoot it. The film got around this by simply making a joke of it; Wade just forgot his weapon bag again. Storm Makes Waves – X- Men: The Last Stand. After being more of a supporting character in the first two movies, Halle Berry’s Storm got an increased role in The Last Stand, becoming a co- lead to Wolverine. She puts her powers to good use a couple of times throughout the story, though a brief – but cool – bit of action was snipped from the final battle. During the final fight on Alcatraz, there was a sequence where Storm was to create a cloud above the island, and then crash a wave on top of some Brotherhood members.
To put a bow on her attack, she then strikes the water with lightning to electrify her attackers. The scene was removed because it made Storm look too powerful compared to her teammates, and made what should have been a tense battle seem slightly too easy.
Then again, isn’t Storm supposed to be super powerful? Sabretooth’s Action Figure – Logan. X- Men Origins: Wolverine is commonly regarded as the weakest movie in the series, with a messy story, poor CGI, and blatant attempts to set up spin- offs with characters like Gambit and Deadpool. However, the strongest element of Origins was the relationship between Logan and his brother Victor, AKA Sabretooth.
Liev Schreiber brought a menacing edge to the character, along with a dark sense of humor. The movie ended with the two brothers parting ways, but while there was talk of Schreiber making a cameo in Hugh Jackman’s farewell film, Logan, it sadly never came to pass. Sabretooth did actually make an appearance – of sorts – in a deleted scene from the movie, where a mutant kid plays with his action figure and asks Logan if he was real. It was a nice character moment for Wolverine, so it’s a shame it didn’t make the cut. Rogue Doesn’t Take The Cure – X- Men: The Last Stand. The relationship between Rogue and Wolverine was the heart of the original X- Men movie, but as the series continued and more characters joined the lineup, Rogue got left on the sidelines – to the point where she was essentially cut from Days Of Future Past (more on that later).
Rogue has the power to absorb powers and memories through her skin – which also means she can’t get too close to her boyfriend without hurting him. The Last Stand proved plenty controversial upon release, from killing off beloved characters like Professor X and Cyclops to reducing the Dark Phoenix saga to a subplot. Watch Battle For Terra Vioz more. Fans were also shocked that Rogue decided to take the mutant cure at the end so she could become a regular human. However, an alternate ending was filmed where Rogue reveals that she couldn’t go through with it; which feels like the bolder choice for the film and the character. Watch The Sadness 4Shared more. Yukio’s Snow Blower Attack – The Wolverine.
While director James Mangold knew he had to deliver a PG- 1. The Wolverine for cinemas, he shot R- rated material for the Blu- ray release. In addition to Logan being a lot more foul- mouthed, this version also made the violence bite harder. This included a major deleted segment from the third act, where Logan has to brave a village filled with ninjas to rescue Mariko. This segment featured his bodyguard Yukio starting up a snow blower and using it to plough through ninjas, decorating the village with their guts. It’s a gleefully bloody, over the top sequence, but it was way too much for the theatrical version, so out it went.
Thankfully, Mangold knew he was getting the green light to deliver an R- rated Logan, so he didn’t have to hold back for Jackman’s final outing. Young Storm Cameo – X- Men Origins: Wolverine. X- Men: Origins was pitched as a grittier, more character focused spin- off for the series, but as it progressed, the studio kept straying from that plan. They added numerous mutants with spin- off potential and pointless cameos like Patrick Stewart as Professor X – all of which distracted from the main story. The overblown (and underwhelming) action scenes didn’t help either. One cameo that didn’t make the cut was an appearance by Storm as a young girl, during the scene where Team X raids an African village. A brief glimpse of young Ororo Munroe is seen in the Origins trailer, but was removed for unknown reasons.
It’s a pity this scene didn’t make it, as it would have felt a little more organic than the timeline straining Cyclops appearance later in the story. It’s possible that the scene – where Team X murders several villagers – was considered too dark and needed to be toned down. The Mall Scene – X- Men: Apocalypse. X- Men: Apocalypse was another entry that suffered from too many characters and subplots, and the story became unwieldy as a result. Unfortunately, one of the casualties of the editing process led to a fun sequence being removed around the midway point, where Scott, Jean, and Jubilee take Nightcrawler to the Mall.