Watch Muhammad: The Last Prophet Online (2017)

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Prophet - Wikipedia. Prophetic inspiration: Isaiah's Lips Anointed with Fire, by Benjamin West. In religion, a prophet is an individual who has been contacted by a divine being in order to speak on the entity's behalf, serving as an intermediary with humanity by delivering messages or teachings from the supernatural source to other people.[1][2] The message that the prophet conveys is called a prophecy, which transports—at least in Judaism—a message beyond mere pagan soothsaying, augury, divination, or forecasting, and, most prominently in the neviim of the Tanakh, often comprises issues of social justice. Claims of prophethood have existed in many cultures through history, including Judaism, Christianity, Islam, in Ancient Greek Philosophy, Zoroastrianism, Manichaeism, and many others. Prophets are traditionally regarded as having a role in society that promotes change due to their messages and actions which often convey God's displeasure concerning the behavior of the people. Abrahamic religions[edit]Judaism[edit]In Hebrew, the word נָבִיא (nāvî), "spokesperson", traditionally translates as "prophet".[3] The second subdivision of the Hebrew Bible, Ta.

Na. Kh (for "Torah, Nevi'im, Ketuvim"), is devoted to the Hebrew prophets. The meaning of navi is perhaps described in Deuteronomy 1. God said, ".. and I will put My words in his mouth, and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him." Thus, the navi was thought to be the "mouth" of God. The root nun- bet- alef ("navi") is based on the two- letter root nun- bet which denotes hollowness or openness; to receive transcendental wisdom, one must make oneself "open". Cf. Rashbam's comment to Genesis 2.

Malachi, one of the last prophets of Israel, painting by Duccio di Buoninsegna, c. Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, Siena Cathedral). He [Mashiach] will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents” (Malachi 4: 6)[6]In addition to writing and speaking messages from God, Israelite or Jewish nevi'im ("spokespersons", "prophets") often acted out prophetic parables in their life.[7] For example, in order to contrast the people’s disobedience with the obedience of the Rechabites, God has Jeremiah invite the Rechabites to drink wine, in disobedience to their ancestor’s command. The Rechabites refuse, wherefore God commends them.[8][9] Other prophetic parables acted out by Jeremiah include burying a linen belt so that it gets ruined to illustrate how God intends to ruin Judah's pride.[1. Likewise, Jeremiah buys a clay jar and smashes it in the Valley of Ben Hinnom in front of elders and priests to illustrate that God will smash the nation of Judah and the city of Judah beyond repair.[1.

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God instructs Jeremiah to make a yoke from wood and leather straps and to put it on his own neck to demonstrate how God will put the nation under the yoke of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon.[1. In a similar way, the prophet Isaiah had to walk stripped and barefoot for three years to illustrate the coming captivity,[1. Ezekiel had to lie on his side for 3. The prophetic assignment is not always portrayed as positive in the Hebrew Bible,[1. God’s personal prediction for Jeremiah, "Attack you they will, overcome you they can't,"[2. Jeremiah warned of destruction of those who continued to refuse repentance and accept more moderate consequences.[2.

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In return for his adherence to God’s discipline and speaking God’s words, Jeremiah was attacked by his own brothers,[2. Judah’s officials,[2. Likewise, Isaiah was told by his hearers who rejected his message, "Leave the way! Get off the path! Let us hear no more about the Holy One of Israel!"[1.

The life of Moses being threatened by Pharaoh is another example.[3. According to I Samuel 9: 9,[3. Seer". That could document an ancient shift, from viewing prophets as seers for hire to viewing them as moral teachers. Allen (1. 97. 1) comments that in the First Temple Era, there were essentially seer- priests, who formed a guild, divined, performed rituals and sacrifices, and were scribes, and then there were canonical prophets, who did none of these (and were against divination) and had instead a message to deliver.[citation needed] The seer- priests were usually attached to a local shrine or temple, such as Shiloh, and initiated others as priests in that priesthood: it was a mystical craft- guild with apprentices and recruitment. Watch Jaws 2 Online Mic.

Canonical prophets were not organised this way. The similar term ben- navi ("son of the prophet") means "member of a seer- priest guild".[citation needed]Some examples of prophets in the Tanakh include Abraham, Moses, Miriam, Isaiah, Samuel, Ezekiel, Malachi, and Job.

In Jewish tradition Daniel is not counted in the list of prophets. A Jewish tradition suggests that there were twice as many prophets as the number which left Egypt, which would make 1,2.

The Talmud recognizes the existence of 4. According to the Talmud there were also seven women who are counted as prophets whose message bears relevance for all generations: Sarah, Miriam, Devorah, Hannah (mother of the prophet Samuel), Abigail (a wife of King David), Huldah (from the time of Jeremiah), and Esther.[3. Rashi points out that Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah were also prophets.[3.

Prophets in Judaism are not always Jews.[3. The story of Balaam in Numbers 2. Jewish prophet.[3. According to the Talmud, Obadiah is said to have been a convert to Judaism.

The last nevi'im ("spokespersons", "prophets") mentioned in the Jewish Bible are Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi, all of whom lived at the end of the 7. Babylonian exile. The Talmud (Sanhedrin 1. Haggai, Zachariah, and Malachi were the last prophets, and nowadays only the "Bath Kol" (בת קול, lit. God") exists. Christianity[edit]In Christianity a prophet (or seer)[3. God through the Holy Spirit to deliver a message for a specific purpose. God's calling as a prophet is not to elevate an individual for their own glory, but for the glory of God and to turn people to him.

Some Christiandenominations limit a prophet's message to those only to the entire church congregation and exclude personal messages not intended for the body of believers, but in the Bible on a number of occasions prophets were called to deliver personal messages.[3. The reception of a message is termed revelation and the delivery of the message is termed prophecy. James Jordan argues that the office of prophet involves more than delivering the direct revelations of God.